Smooth financial administration for construction companies

Smooth financial administration for construction companies

Simplify financial administration for your construction company with our seamless workflow. You keep more time for your core business and always set the right price.

Clear cost management

Monitor the profitability of your business by taking full advantage of Build-Software’s various solutions. For example, you easily track the cost of your yards through our cost management that collects data from timekeeping, material and inventory management, as well as incoming invoices. Thanks to the clear dashboard, you know immediately if the projects are going well. It also allows site managers to visualize, print and approve incoming invoices.

Competitive pricing

Cost management data provides an accurate basis for your post-calculations. You see clearly which elements affected your final cost price and can make targeted adjustments, such as a new price for certain items or savings in transportation costs. As a result, your future bids will always be competitive.

Fast billing

Plus, you set up your outgoing invoices at lightning speed. You select the appropriate items for a requisition statement, charge expenses in direction if necessary, or create a free invoice. Build-Software casts your invoices in the desired layout or the required format in case of e-invoicing. If you integrate Build-Software with your accounting software, your invoices then flow into the accounting system.

Performing financial administration

Have your invoices processed and tracked automatically as much as possible. Build-Software integrates with accounting programs such as WinBooks , Adfinity , Wings and Exact. As a result, billing data is exchanged smoothly. The result is a seamless environment from quotation to financial statements that combines two strong solutions for estimating and accounting. That way, your financial records are even more performant than they would be with an all-in-ERP package.

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